The third Workforce Taskforce committee meeting it set for January 20, 2017 at the FRSA Education and Training Center in Winter Park. The address is as follows:
FRSA 7071 University Blvd | Winter Park, FL 32792
Site Contact: Meghan Roth, FRSA Educational & Research Foundation Director | 407-671-3772
The committee is tasked with the following:
- To address the existing critical shortage of trained individuals in the building construction and inspection industry
- To create a consensus path for the training of the next generation of construction workers in Florida
- To tackle the current shortage of a trained construction industry work force which is holding back the full effect of the real estate recovery
- To review the current methods and sources of resources available for construction training
- To review the existing state of construction training available in the K-12 system
- To consider training issues relating to building code inspectors to increase the number of qualified inspectors