As I campaigned last year to become your 2018 FHBA 3rd Vice President, I said I would put a priority and focus on being “Committed to Membership & Dedicated to the Future of our Industry”. I’ll be working with staff, the FHBA Membership Committee and local committees to roll out a Membership Campaign this year with a goal of creating an easier recruitment strategy and increase our retention rates both locally and statewide.
I had the pleasure of attending the Lee BIA’s Member Orientation recently, which was very informative for its new and not-so-new members. EO, Phillip Ford and Annie Banion, Membership & Communications Director did a great job of supplying the much needed information to their members. Orientations play a key role in the retention of our members as they give information on the discounts available through the 3 in 1 membership, information about legislative issues in your community, statewide and nationally and the importance of volunteering to be on a committee and/or council is stressed. Fundraising events, marketing through sponsorship at various levels and much more, lets the new member leave satisfied and excited that they have made the correct decision in joining the HBA.
The FHBA created a foundation in 2000 to address the workforce issues – Future Builders of America. We are growing quickly with the help of Executive Director, Cindy Hall. We are currently at 17 chapters throughout the state, have over 300 students in the program and our Leadership Summit on March 8-11 is to capacity. Cindy is working diligently to start new chapters and get HBA’s involved in the process since this is an issue that everyone is experiencing. WE NEED YOUR HELP! Our Leadership Summit costs over $50,000 and need sponsors to help with the costs to room, feed and instruct the over 80 students that will be attending. These are our future generation of leaders, builders and tradesmen. If you would like more information about the FBA and want to help or wish to find out how to begin a chapter in your area, please go to the website or email Cindy Hall at
I appreciate the opportunity to represent the members and if you would like to contact me about any thoughts or ideas, my email is and phone is 941-624-4040.