The FHBA hosted a successful Spring Conference last week, highlighted by Tuesday’s Day on the Hill. Over 100 FHBA members attended the conference, walking the halls of the Capital lobbying for our interest.
Key issues lobbied included:
- Impact Fees,
- Growth Management,
- Construction Workforce,
- Affordable Housing,
- Onsite Treatment and Disposal Systems,
- Mitigation Banking,
- Industry De-regulation,
- the Building Code Development Process,
- Mandatory Hardening of Homes, and
- A litany of other issues.
There is an abundance of industry related issues pending before the 2019 Session.
FHBA and local BA leaders shared priorities with the likes of:
- Senate President Galvano,
- Senate Majority Leader Passidomo,
- Senate Democratic Leader Gibson,
- Senate Community Affairs Chair Flores,
- House Majority Leader Eagle,
- House Democratic Leader McGhee,
- House State Affairs Chair Ingoglia,
- House Commerce Chair La Rosa,
- Deputy Majority Whip Grant, and
- Governor Nunez.
Attendees at Tuesday’s Issue Briefing heard from Halsey Beshears, Secretary of the Department of Business and Professional Regulations (DBPR). DBPR has jurisdiction over both the Construction Industry Licensing Board and the Florida Building Commission.
The Board heard from State Senator Joe Gruters; an FHBA member sponsoring two key bills: the impact fee bill (SB 1444) and our excess permit fee bill (SB 1036). He also chairs the Republican Party of Florida.
All the while, legislative committees continued hearing FHBA priorities.
- The House Excess Permit Fee , HB 715 by Robinson, approved by the Local, Veterans and Federal Affairs Committee
- The Impact Fee Bill, HB 207 by Donalds, approved by the State Affairs Committee
- The Wetlands Mitigation Bill, HB 521 by Rep. McClure, approved by the Agriculture and Natural Resources Subcommittee.
I hope you will agree that week 2 of the 2019 Legislative Session was a success. Click here to view status of key legislation.