FHBA Legislative Updates – Week of February 26, 2018
As we head into this the last and final week of Session, priority legislative initiatives are postured well. All of our priority legislation has passed the House. Note, just because a bill has passed the House, has little controversy surrounding it does not ensure passage. Every years lots of bills die on the Senate Special Order Calendar. They simply run out of time, the sponsor has to balance several priority bills or the sponsor simply alienates the wrong person. Still lots of work to be done.
Below is a status report of priority and other key bills to the FHBA. If a bill is listed as “on the Calendar” it has cleared all Committees of reference. It must be moved from the Calendar to the chamber’s Special Order Calendar for Floor Action. A bill in “messages” infers that one chamber passed the bill and such action has been formally transmitted to the other chamber where the bill awaits further action.
State Assumption of 404 Dredge and Fill Permits:
SB 1402 by Senator Simmons is on the Senate Calendar. HB 7043 received House approval and sits in Senate messages.
Impact Fees:
SB 324 by Senator Young is on the Senate Calendar. HB 697 received House approval and sits in Senate messages. (Note: The controversial Sector plan language was amended to reflect an agreement amongst the interested parties).
Statute of Repose:
SB 536 by Senator Passidomo is on the Senate Calendar. HB 875 received House approval and sits in Senate messages.
Condominium Build Buyer Sunset Repeal:
SB 1274 by Passidomo awaits a hearing in the Senate Rules Committee (which we expect to convene next week). HB 841 received House approval and sits in Senate messages.
Permit Fees Transparency:
SB 1144 by Senator Perry is on the Senate Calendar. HB 725 by Rep. Williamson received House approval and sits in Senate messages.
Affordable Housing:
SB 1328 by Senator Perry is on the Senate Calendar. HB 987 by Rep. Cortes received House approval and sits in Senate messages.
Apprenticeship Programs Counting Towards High School Graduation:
SB 863 by Senator Montford is on the Senate Calendar. HB 577 by Silvers received House approval and sits in Senate Messages.
Budget: Sadowski Funds
The Legislature is currently putting the final touches on Florida’s Budget. Unfortunately, the recent legislation developed in response to the Parkland School shootings has probably removed any additional Sadowski funding from the budget.