Notice of Rule Development Workshop – Rule Chapter 67-57 F.A.C.
Florida Housing has changed the date of the Rule Development Workshop to discuss proposed changes to the Homeownership Pool Program (HOP) Rule Chapter 67-57 F.A.C.
UPDATED Date/Time: Wednesday, November 28, 2018, beginning at 2:00 P.M, Eastern Time.
Location: Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough Street, 6th Floor Seltzer Room, Tallahassee, Florida.
The workshop will also be available via telephone. Call-in information is:
US Toll Free: 1 (888) 339-2688
Passcode: 986 716 80
The workshop agenda will be posted to the website prior to the workshop. A Listserv announcement will be made when this information is available.
The draft of the proposed changes to Rule Chapter 67-57 F.A.C. can be found here: https://www.floridahousing.org/programs/homeowners/homeownership-development-programs/homeownership-programs
The HOP Program is designed to be a noncompetitive and on-going program, where Developers, by way of an online system have the ability to reserve funds for eligible homebuyers to provide purchase assistance on a first-come, first-served basis…learn more