As many of your local Builder Associations ramp up for Fall Membership drives, we wanted to take the opportunity to share what we as a federated organization – Local HBA, FHBA, and NAHB – have accomplished for you as a valued member in 2016:
- FHBA testified at the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation’s public hearing to cite the direct impact a significant increase to workers’ compensation insurance rates would have on affordable housing and builders across the state.
- FHBA worked side-by-side with the Lee Building Industry Association to file a joint motion seeking judicial injunction against enforcement of the mandatory sprinkler provision in their local Estero Fire Rescue District. Our combined efforts, through the federation, resulted in a successful repeal of the resolution that would have significantly increased the cost home building in not only their area, but potentially statewide.
- Click here to view the successes of the 2016 Legislative Session, which include substantial savings to the cost of building a home.
- Click here to view additional savings as a result of the hard work by FHBA, your local HBA, and Contract Consultant, Joe Belcher, where we worked with the Florida Building Commission to reduce the costs of building homes within compliance of the 6th edition of the Building Code.
- FHBA seeks legislation in 2017 to stabilize the Building Code and reduce the number of major changes by establishing the 6th edition as the State’s base code.
- NAHB will work within the federation now to address the 2017 Congress when they reauthorize the National Flood Insurance Program; a program vital to Florida’s future development planning.
Our federated membership presents a significant value to anyone involved in the building industry. Our advocacy is well-respected and effective as we represent a unified voice for home builders and trade partners. Click here to locate your local HBA and renew your dues today.