DOH Adopts New Septic Tank Rules

On Wednesday, August 1, FHBA staff met with leadership of the Florida Department of Health (DOH). The focus was to emphasize our desire for DOH to approve an additional passive septic tank system that meets the advanced nitrogen reduction requirements of the Basin Management Action Plans (BMAP).

The latest new passive systems have finally been approved. While these systems will address some of our needs, they will not address all. However, DOH also provided for a change in their rules to allow for an alternative pathway to approve systems with an NSF 245 certification. The degree to which this new pathway will be utilized is not yet determined, but its inclusion in the rule demonstrates DOH understands the need to increase septic technology in Florida.

With the adoption of the new passive system rule, the Septic Tank and BMAP Meeting on Thursday, August 16, at Gaylord Palms Resort and Convention Center in Kissimmee, Florida is even more relevant. This meeting is designed to help everyone understand what the requirements are and how to meet those requirements.

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