Amongst the magical events celebrating SEBC’s 40th Anniversary, FHB PAC will host a Silent Auction to help financially support pro-builder candidates who are in favor of less governmental regulation and support our ability to build quality, affordable homes so that more Floridians can achieve the American Dream.
This is a political watershed year in Florida:
- Senate Democrats have a bullseye on two of FHBA’s most reliable Senators,
- The Governor’s seat is highly contested in the primary and will continue to be contested in the general,
- Each state cabinet seat is heavily contested, and
- All eyes are on Florida, as titans Bill Nelson and Rick Scott square off for the US Senate Seat.
Help us raise the necessary funds by bidding on items such as vacations stays, Yeti products, Bose Speakers, gift cards and a Lottery Ticket Tree!
Auction items will be available for viewing and bidding on Thursday at the Registration Desk (Hall C) from 10:00 am – 4:30 pm, and later at the 40th Anniversary Celebration (Atrium Pavilion) from 7:00 – 9:00 pm.
If you don’t bid, you can’t win!
All contributions to the FHB PAC are considered political contributions and are non-deductible as a business expense for Federal Income Tax purposes.